Archive for May, 2008

Saturday May 3 2008 Ripple in the Warp

Picture: some L3 Grave Guard. these are our L3 jobs. I am STILL running the Vampire Counts Core-tastic special ($2.75 for painting basic troops at L2). And they turn out well, too. Here are some zombi-riffic zombies done at L2.

Tamie headed out early this morning to a wedding. I dropped the kids off with a good family friend of ours and headed to the studio. A few hours later, everything is ship-shape (thanks to help from David). There are like six packages all wrapped up tight and ready for the PO on Monday.

Mike (a painter) came by and all three of us had a game of 40K– I gave the studio Tau their maiden run. And lost.

These pics were taken while I was playing so they are strongly lit from overhead, making them seem darker. I decided to reverse the color scheme on the fire warriors, making the armor a pale bone color. I still need to tweak them a bit– I’m likely to orange-up the round things on the guns and make squad “bar code” markings on their helmets.

My wife and I went out on a date tonight. We wanted to see Iron Man (which I’ve heard is fantastic), but it was super-sold-out so we headed up to the dollar movie and saw Spiderwick, which I thought was a fun time, very solid, but definitely not for younger kids sadly.

Those that follow our Youtube fare know that I picked up some Daemons of Chaos army boxes (two for Fantasy and two for 40K) and therefore know that we have the codexes. I have absorbed one of each kind into the studio library. I’ve spent some good time reading the 40K codex. Here are my initial impressions:

First off, this is a REAL codex, the first since the Tau came out. This isn’t “Chaos Space Marines Part Two”. I expected them to make it sort of an Allies list for CSM. But that’s not the case. It’s a full on army in it’s own right, with strengths and weaknesses and a very, very distinct play style.

First off, half your army deep strikes in on the first turn. This would be great except that you can’t assault, and this list has more assault-only troops than any other list including Tyranids. In fact, only the Tzeentch has ranged attacks. The Pink Horrors have warp fire which is Assault 3, S4 AP4 18″ range making it a fabulous mid-range unit. Tzeentch stuff can also have Bolt of Tzeentch which is Assault 1, S8 AP 1, and 24″ range.
Ayup, the deep striking is the weakness of the list. Turn one you have to sit there and get shot up, Turn two the other units that come in have to sit there and get shot up. That’s the downside. To make up for this the units are hideously under-costed. Here’s an example:
This Elite unit of 1-6 models is WS4 S5 T4 W2 I5 A5 LD10 Save 5+ inv. Rending Attacks, Hit and Run, Eternal Warrior (no instant death), Fearless and is a Beast (charge of 12″). So, what do you think the cost per model should be?
Thirty points is what it costs for a Fiend of Slaanesh. It’s astounding.
The lack of ranged weapons is noticeable. Flamers, Horrors, Soul Grinders, and maybe some characters are all that have any ranged attacks at all.
Pavane of Slaanesh is an interesting power, sort of like a reverse Fleet of Foot. It’s a ranged attack of 18″. If it hits (just needs to hit, there’s no save) you get to move that unit 1d6″. I think it will be one of the best powers, strategically. You can make your enemy move farther away, trap them in difficult terrain, move your enemy closer to one of your hideous CC units.
One thing I really, REALLY like about both lists is that they have taken out the fluff about daemonic rivalry so much, allowing theme-wise for the mixing of units. Purists like myself will have a hard time with this. I’ll at least have to make the models look like they fit.
So, the jury is out. The army definitely has a different play style; a completely different feel. I don’t think it will be over-powered in the end. But players will definitely need to account for Daemons in their battle plans if the army becomes popular.
In terms of play style, I think fighting against a Daemon army will have a unique feel to it: horror and desperation as the daemons appear and you have to run for your life. Then a mid-game in which you hope to NOT get slaughtered, hopefully you have whittled down their ranks enough to have a fighting chance. And then an endgame which I predict will be very sad for one side or the other.
A side effect is that it makes Daemonhunters a lot cooler since you’re much, much more likely to encounter them.
I have always like the Daemonic Legion list, and I plan on doing several Daemon armies for both Fantasy and 40K. I’m going to start with a Slaanesh 40K force. I think it will look like this to start:
1x Keeper of Secrets (using the FW model)
2x Herald of Slaanesh (using the Lord of Slaanesh)
6x Fiend of Slaanesh
3x Flamers of Slaanesh (Flamers of Tzeentch Rules, with some kind of Slaaneshi conversion)
18x Daemonettes
18x Horrors of Slaanesh (Daemonettes with serpentine lower bodies, using the Pink Horrors rules; I think that Horrors will become a staple in any Daemons army since they have ranged attacks that can be used the same turn they arrive)
6x Seekers of Slaanesh (I love these models!)
3x Soul Grinder (I have a wicked conversion idea for these, hopefully it will work out)
For Fantasy, I haven’t really looked at the book. My main revelation is that Khorne doesn’t have Frenzy anymore. But they still rock in close combat. That is a fabulous change, thank you GW!
I should note that I’m notoriously bad at analyzing army lists. I am not a power gamer. I play for style and fun!

Posted on May 4th, 2008 at 5:01am by Shawn

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Thursday May 1 2008 I Want One

Picture: a new Forge World Reaver Titan (this was NOT painted by BTP). I just love the look and feel of this model. I thought it was smaller than a Warhound, but evidently it is a lot larger. At $1100 it is really quite a large purchase. Well, a guy can dream!

See more pics here.

I am still running the Rummage Sale!

I was up at 3am this morning, wide awake, so I put on a few episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise, ate some blueberry yogurt, and cleared ye ole Inbox.

I went back to sleep at around 5am, soundly. I had another “studio” dream, where I see BTP in a better place. In this one I was in my own studio/home out in the Oregon deep forest, but the older me was asleep in the other room. I was looking at my own accomplishments in the form of living paintings. Then I got in my van and drove back down the long road back to town.

The boys were fritzing around with their nerf guns this morning.

I have an assistant now. Today was his first day. He’s Johnny on the Spot. It’s pretty awesome. It really lightens the load. Don’t get emotionally attached, though, I don’t know if it’s going to work out. For all I know he’ll implode in a week. Like I always say, “you can’t hold in crazy for more than 30 days.”

Speaking of which, as a matter of trivia, my wife and I dated for 19 days before getting engaged. I wouldn’t recommend that for everyone, but it worked out for us. I remember sitting on the concrete stairs of her apartment complex (we couldn’t be inside alone together for the sake of propriety) and looking at her; in my mind’s eye it was as if a pillar of light came down to rest on her, that if I willed this would be a life match for me.

For those that are courting, I recommend putting the physical relationship on hold while considering the weighty matters of marriage. If need be, have a chaperone at all times, and only be in public. That’s the only way we managed to keep our hands off each other!

No other news really. There is ONE project (KODT) waiting in the digital photography booth. I’m expecting in a few more projects tomorrow.

Right now I am booking projects for painting the very last week of May, and for Assembly the two weeks just before that. If anyone is interested.

Posted on May 2nd, 2008 at 2:52am by Shawn

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You’re the Important Thing

I have now cleared my Inbox.

I am never too busy to talk to a client. I am always biting my nails that a BTP customer will have a good experience.

So, when I mention that I’m working a long day to clear the Inbox, don’t be shy about contacting me. I’m not too busy.

Blue Table Painting is more than making money. For me, it’s a chance to get to know people. It may sound strange but I want to grow old with my clients. I want them to shed a tear when my children get married, or in forty years when my funeral arrangements are being made.

I have decided to NOT grow the business beyond a certain point. It’s got to be a fun, enjoyable, personal experience to be worth it.

Soooo, when I mention the full Inbox, that’s by way of apology/explanation and not a “closed” sign!
When you call, and I pick up you become the “Important Thing I have to do Right Now” and NOT an interruption.

Posted on May 1st, 2008 at 6:59pm by Shawn

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Tau Academy

Here’s quite a find.

Posted on May 1st, 2008 at 3:58pm by Shawn

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Wednesday April 30 2008 The Beast Won’t Die

Picture: a wrecked Tau Hammerhead which is part of the BASE of a very special project.

Where to start? I am still fighting my way through the Inbox. I still have about twenty messages. No complaints mind you, just saying to hold tight if you’re waiting for a response from me. That’s the catch 22– if I need some help, I have to slow things down for interviews (I conducted three today) and then things can proceed more quickly.

Let’s work backwards!

Right now, the kids are in bed and I’m watching Scrubs with my wife. I am ashamed that before that we watched American Idol.

I earmarked some of the funds from the Rummage sale to buy some Iron Man toys (masks and nerf guns) for my sons. Tonight, after going to a soccer game with my beloved Daughter, I went to Wal Mart to pick those up. People bad mouth Wal Mart, but I don’t see the problem. Anyhoo, it was like a miniature Christmas, the boys fairly well freaked out. NERF has really improved over the years, I couldn’t believe how well those things worked. It was a little splurge and a little moment of joy. Very nice.

It was a typical day at the studio; artists coming and going. Angela came in with about half of the hundred or so Movement Trays (magnetized ones) that need to be constructed. That has been a problematic item over the years and Angela is tackling it nicely. In other news, she cut her hair (herself!) on Sunday. It actually looks good. I saw Mike, Renn and Jose as well. All with some really nice stuff to turn in. I’ve got about five projects on the digital photography table.

My two Forge World battlesuit commanders are together and I’m going to get those painted up for a game this weekend (probably Saturday, assuming someone will fight me).

I interviewed three people this afternoon for General Helpfulness and Assisting People around the studio. My general rule is three to six months before the public gets to see them. So as you don’t get emotionally attached to someone who might implode spectacularly.

Posted on May 1st, 2008 at 4:35am by Shawn

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