Archive for March, 2009


The new Imperial Guard releases are imminent. Here is a clip from the Valkyrie entry.
This box set contains one multi-part plastic Imperial Guard Valkyrie. This 128-piece, finely-detailed, miniature can be assembled in a number of ways and with a number of weapon options, including: rocket pods, a lascannon, a multi-laser, Hellstrike missiles and pintle mounted Heavy Bolters. Model supplied with a large oval base and an all-new clear-plastic flying base that will secure it in a heightened flying position.
I wonder if you can make a Vulture out of it as well?

Posted on March 22nd, 2009 at 3:13am by Shawn

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Today we put in the soil for a garden. Our Victory Garden. It was a good wholesome family activity.

In the evening we went to an Elder’s Quorum activity; potluck and volleyball. That’s the only sport that holds any interest for me. Well, and swimming. I am absolutely destroyed. My body needs more regular activity.

Posted on March 22nd, 2009 at 1:57am by Shawn

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Ron Paul Fix- "A gross distraction from what we should really be dealing with."

I have my Ron Paul sign up in my front yard still, a permanent fixture. I plan on changing 2008 to 2012.

Posted on March 21st, 2009 at 12:41pm by Shawn

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Oceanic Eldar Update- War Walkers

I finished the three War Walkers tonight.

They have magnetized weapon options: six each of Starcannons, Missile Launchers, and Scatter Lasers (24 shots!).

It is worth noting that War Walkers are (one of?) the only vehicles where if you put two of a weapon on it it does NOT become twin linked. It just has two of that weapon and can fire both of them which is in my estimation an enormous advantage.

Math-hammer gives the following kill rates per volley (three war walkers, each carrying two of the weapon):

Scatter Laser vs T4 Save 3+ (Space Marines) = 24 shots = 3-4 kills
Scatter Laser vs T4 Save 6+ (Orks) = 24 shots = 9-10 kills

Starcannon vs T4 Save 3+ = 12 shots = 4-6 kills
Starcannon vs T4 Save 6+ = 12 shots = 4-6 kills

It is this writer’s opinion that the Scatter Laser is better for play where you don’t know who you are going up against. It also has the advantage of being more reliable against light vehicles.

Scatter Laser vs AV 11 = 24 shots = 12 hits = 2 glancing, 2 penetrating. Almost certain death.

No bright lances for the War Walkers. Those are going on the Vypers, a shoal of tank-killers that can get where they are needed. Vypers are weaker than their Space Marine counterparts, the Land Speeder, in my estimation. They cost about the same but are open-topped. Still, they are very hard to pin down and I’ve had a tremendously good experience with them.

On top of that, Vypers are the only good Fast Attack choice, bringing some effectively Heavy support to three more slots. Anyone care to stand up for Warp Spiders or Swooping Hawks or Shining Spears?

I am eager to see how the Night Spinner performs. It has a 7″ template, range 12-72″ Guess (ie Barrage) with S6 AP — . The huge template is going to land somewhere. That’s definitely strength of the weapon. It almost can’t miss. Against horde armies it’s bound to just shred masses of lightly armored infantry.

I should have pics up soon. They are beautiful, but unbased. There was some input on youtube saying that I should do sandy beach bases in line with the army theme, but I have decided against that. I plan on doing standard brown ground and static grass bases. I think this will accent nicely and make them stand out properly on a regular playing board.

I added another color, a sort of ocean surf green (Vallejo mis-named foul green). It’s really working well. I am completely pleased. Tomorrow morning I plan on doing a prototype Dire Avenger.

The Striking Scorpions came in. I plan on doing them in a non-standard color. Possibly a ghostly armor color like my ice elves army.

In other news…

I was up early this morning building my Thallid deck. It sucks. It is a travesty. I am missing nine certain cards to make it work gooder: Theolon of Havenwood x3 Mycoloth x3 Fungal Behemoth x3

We are graced with balmy spring weather. The ice and snow have all melted out of the valley. It’s gorgeous. We went for a family walk this afternoon after dinner.

Posted on March 21st, 2009 at 5:00am by Shawn

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Dark Menoth- SOLD!

Soon, I will have a Menoth army on the block. I don’t know how many points this is, I estimate in the 1400-1800 range, more than plenty for any game of War Machine.
This was painted by artistic genius Josephus. Claim your part of Josephus lore now!
Here is the preliminary list:
Protecorate of Menoth Box 1
Amon ad Raza L6 1
Feora Priestess 1
Grand Scrutator Severius 1
Revenger 2
Devout 3
Devout 2
Dervish 3
Redeemer 1
Redeemer 2
Castigator 1
Crusader (special order) 1
Reckoner 2
Choir Acolytes (blister of 2 models) 3
Choir Acolytes (blister of 2 models) 2
Deliverers Unit Box (6 models) 2
Flameguard Unit Box (6 models) 1
Holy Zealot Monolith Bearer 2
Holy Zealots (blister of 2 models) 4
Holy Zealots Unit Box (6 models) 2
Knights Exemplar Unit Box (6 models) 1
Knights Exemplar Unit Box (6 models) 1
Warpriest and Acolyte (2 models) 1
Warpriest and Acolyte (2 models) 1
Idrian Skirmishers (6 models) 1
Idrian Skirmishers (2 models) 2
Knights Examplar Errant (6 models) 1
Knights Examplar Errant (2 models) 2
Solos L5
Reclaimers 3
Wracks (3 models) 2
Gorman Di Wulfe 1
Exemplar Seneschal 2
Rupert Cavolo 1
High Paladin Vilmon L6 1
Covenant of Menoth L5 1

Posted on March 20th, 2009 at 11:23pm by Shawn

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This brought a tear (of mirth) to my eye…

Posted on March 19th, 2009 at 3:02pm by Shawn

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Seven Seas

Part of a set of Nurgle Vehicles.

Another spectacular day. I awoke again at 3:30am, tried to get back to sleep, but couldn’t, my mind already boiling with ideas.

I had to give up computer games, which I love, for my business. I don’t have time for them.

The kids were home sick today.

I finally got a slow leak in one of my car tires repaired.

I played a two-headed giant game of Magic with the assembly guys. We’re doing the tie-breaker tomorrow.

The studio was full of sound, and light, and activity today. A veritable emergency room of work, and thought, and inspiration.

Right now, at this moment, I am watching Pirates of the Carribean 3 with my wife. Good times.

I am ever so grateful for my good life, my good home, my good business, and my good family.

Posted on March 19th, 2009 at 2:00am by Shawn

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Next time you drive down the street where you live, think: How many of these houses are owned outright by their inhabitants? Then another question, if you think of how many of those houses still have mortgages, what percent of the net is owned by the bank and what part is owned in equity by the inhabitants (think of renters as proxy inhabitants– they just pay the mortgage vicariously)?

I imagine that at least half the land underneath homes is in possession of the banks. How is that? They didn’t fence the land, cultivate it, or build the homes on it. It’s the power of “leverage” folks. The power to buy up $100 worth of goods/land/homes with only $10 then sell it back to the citizenry for double through the “miracle” of compound interest.

Where does all that money go? How is power shifted from the common man?

How is it that in a city that the land does not come into full possession of the inhabitants and their children in a single generation?

I’m trying to figure this out.

It affects me because I am homeless. I don’t own a home, nor any significant portion of equity in a home; squatting on bank property. My grandmother Mary Gately lived in a historic house in Ashland. When she died her squabbling children had to sell the house. I wonder what the facts are behind that.

So, part of it is stupidity and ignorance. I bear part responsibility for not playing it smarter. I should have worked harder, lived more frugally, and kept myself in the clear.

When I listen to the news, through all sorts of various sources (print, radio, television, internet) I can’t escape the sensation that it’s smoke and mirrors. We are being kept distracted by trivialities while the real theft is in progress.

Now back to the beginning. Imagine a city where every single home is owned lock, stock and barrel by the inhabitant of that home. How would that affect the economy of that town? I daresay it would increase savings, disposable income, and allow for entrepreneurship to the tune of 20-30% of the total gross income of that city.

I dream this for myself. I want to own the land. I want to have security and peace. And most of all I want to see the demise of the banks. They are not needed.

I leave you with this scripture from Revelation 18. I am not claiming this is what it has reference to, this business with the banking system just reminded me of this. All of these thoughts are for your consideration– do they have merit? What are the answers?

9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her [Babylon], shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,

10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.

11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:

Response from a Reader
I have often wondered this myself. My wife and I are in the process of getting and staying out of debt entirely. We moved from Nashville, TN to an outlying small town about 40 miles away. City life was not for us, and where we are at now, the folks will gladly help you in any way. We do not have children, and do not know if we ever will. When or if we do, I want to be able to leave them knowledge of how things should be done, the way our grandparents and their grandparents did things. The idea that debt is natural and a credit score is needed is stupid. Cash is the best way, if bartering isn’t available.I am not yet thirty years old, but I wish that I would have learned these principles when I was younger. I no longer want to work for the man, nor do I want to keep giving him more and more of my money for things that I do not approve of.Government for the people no longer exists. The government is still by and of the people, but the people are being lied to and fear is the new biggest motivator. Imagine America during World War 2. You didn’t see posters for government bailouts or car manufacturers needing money. You saw Rosie the Riviter and Uncle Sam. You saw automotive plants convert over and make military vehicles. Think about how many warships, tanks, and ammo WE made here. Now look at today. Companies cannot afford to make things here anymore. We are taxed to death and have nothing to show for it in the end except a life of debt and a loss of jobs. Is it all the governments fault, no, but it is our fault since it is our government.Sorry for the rant, but I agree with 99.9% of everything you post on your blog. Your congressman does in fact rock, and we need many, many more like him in Washington and every local government. We need to start voting out all these worthless leaders and get in people who don’t care about party lines and instead care about the people. Until then, I will keep paying off my debts, then start investing more and more in my future. I refuse to be a government and debt slave any longer. I encourage others to do the same.Thank you for the blog. I check it every morning, and look forward to seeing cool models and interesting facts.
A fan,


The oceanic eldar and the 6 way baneblade chassis are flat out awesome!

Posted on March 19th, 2009 at 1:26am by Shawn

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Oceanic Eldar

In case you don’t follow the Youtube stuff. This is a must-see.

I have three war walkers that are up next. And 20 Dire Avengers.

Posted on March 18th, 2009 at 4:10am by Shawn

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Cute Baby

He aqui, some pictures of my newborn daughter. She’s about three months old.

Posted on March 18th, 2009 at 4:07am by Shawn

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