Archive for April, 2009

Terrain Fest Approacheth

Hey folks, just a preliminary heads up that we are likely to do a Terrain Fest in May. Now is the time to set it up!

We no longer do terrain on demand. I plan on doing two or three runs every year, during the warmer months.

So, if you’d like to get an order in, now is the time. We plan on doing somewhere between eight and twelve projects, so space is limited.

Here’s how it works. You set a budget and give general guidelines and we get to work. For example: “I need $300 worth of desert terrain for 40K”.
We need broad artistic license.
Also bear in mind that there is a premium for more complicated sets. “The interior of an Eldar Craftworld” is huuugely more complicated than “arctic wasteland”.
You will also get more terrain for less if you piggback on sets we are already doing.
We do high quality stuff. We don’t skimp on the quality of materials.
Here is the preliminary list of terrain types we are doing. You are not limited to this. You can have your own ideas.
Desert Ruins (fantasy and sci-fi)
Pine Forest
Arctic Wasteland
Jungle City
Savage Tundra
Toxic Dump
Here are some pics of past projects.
I recommend setting a budget of $200 to $800. Every $200 will cover (ie provide enough terrain to play a game, not cover every square inch!) one or two tables depending on density and complexity (ie it takes more terrain to cover a 40K table properly). We will need a half-down deposit.
Shipping is a flat 10% of the project. This still is usually less than the actual cost since shipping companies generally charge for volume for packages this large. That means per square inch if you can believe that.
If you are interested, contact me at to reserve your slot.
PS- For a $200 set of terrain you will usually get 8-12 pieces of terrain, depending on type, size, scope, complexity and detail.

Posted on April 17th, 2009 at 5:32pm by Shawn

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Bretonnians Ride Forth

I have the following Bretonnians in the studio. They are unpainted and in new condition, mostly new on sprue:
Men at Arms x20
Archers x12
Pegasus Knights x4
Knights x24
If you commission the models you can get the materials for 95% off. That’s about $10 for the lot.
You can drop up to one unit type if you want. Contact me for details or if interested:

Posted on April 15th, 2009 at 4:30am by Shawn

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Hey all. I am nearing the bottom of the Inbox. If you are waiting on a response from me, just hold tight. It will all get taken care of.

I am working on getting up a Notrep between the Oceanic Eldar and Blood Angels. It was a good game and a rematch is coming! I also plan on making some hopefully useful comments about the game.

Posted on April 15th, 2009 at 12:03am by Shawn

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Last night I was sitting on the couch watching a movie with my wife and my baby daughter, Willow.


She is quite the little miracle. She is a temperate baby, smiling and chewing on her fingers. She will quietly go along with what we are doing for hours on end, without so much as a fuss. She never really gets worked up about anything– when she does cry (rarely) we rush over because something must really be distressing her. She is now four months old. Can you believe that?


She likes loud noises. There was a scene in our movie where a fire station alarm goes off and there were sirens. Her eyes got big and she let out a shriek of delight, squirming her baby body as if to try and get into the screen. She loves noise, music, alarms and will sleep through the loudest environment.


She also likes to be held above my head (firmly supported) and rocked slowly as if she were flying. I sing the junior bird song to her and she smiles.


I went out this morning for a walk, but returned quickly for the camera. I took a round of “beautiful stuff” pics. The trees are in bloom. It’s like a coral reef of lime green and pale lavender, and on the surface of the ocean are clouds.


Brightly colored flowers have been planted and bulbs are blooming.


My life is so good it’s scary. My kids are healthy and happy. I’ve got a good wife and a good job. I am ever so grateful from the bottom of my heart. I give the glory to God, who is kind and merciful. I accept from him both good and ill, at His wise will and pleasure.


Posted on April 12th, 2009 at 3:56pm by Shawn

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Stomach… Turning

I watched this video this morning. It’s a plea from Tim Pawlenty the governor of Minnesota for the Federal Government to control spending.

This seems to be similar to what I hear coming from the Republican side generally. I’m glad to hear it.

Where were you guys the last eight years?

All of a sudden they’re getting to their roots.

You guys had your chance. You had the reins and you didn’t limit government, you did an end run around the people by printing money (you’ll notice that he mentioned taxes and borrowing, but not printing). You spent outside your means.

Republicans have lost the moral high ground on this issue. I don’t trust them.

I just hope the American public doesn’t forget that BOTH parties are untrustworthy by the time of the mid-term elections.

I am supporting any candidate that will support the Constitution closely and who will be the faithful guardian of the purse strings. I just want one thing: live within your means. Tax more if you have to (at least then we’ll feel it and it will be honest*), but don’t do an end run around the taxpayer by borrowing (on interest) or printing money (which causes inflation).

I am hopeful. I do not want to tear something down. I want to build something up.

*I believe if people were taxed more directly, and actually felt the pain directly from all this government spending, then it would come to a halt in a jiffy. The fact is that the common man simply does not understand how he is getting robbed discretely (example: through the devaluation of the dollar by the increase of the money supply). It’s not a small amount. It’s taking away a full third of your life. Taking… away… your… life.
PS- as a business owner I get to see a small part of the inside story of how the government fleeces the sheep. And fleeces them hard, to the tune of “you could have a fat retirement egg from the money they are taking from you and mis-spending”.

Posted on April 12th, 2009 at 1:28pm by Shawn

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Warriors of Chaos Raw Materials

I have been taking stock at the studio and I have various bins full of goodies; unpainted figures mostly new in box/sprue. Warriors of Chaos, Lord of the Rings, Space Marines, and Bretonnians are the principle actors.
If you are interested in commissioning at least half of the Warriors of Chaos (pretty sure at least enough here for two armies) you get the materials at half off. Total retail value here is $626.
Unit Name QTY
Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount (2008 release) 2
Harry the Hammer Limited Edition 1
Lord of Nurgle on steed 2
Lord of Tzeentch on disc 1
Nurgle Chaos Sorceror (2008 release) 1
Wulfrik the Wanderer (2008 release) 1
Khorne Chaos Lord on Juggernaut (2008 release) 1
Warriors of Chaos (12 models) 2
Marauder of Chaos 76
Chaos Warhounds (10 models) 3
Marauder Horsemen (5 models) 2
Chaos Knights (5 models) 2
If this were my army I would put the Harry the Hammer on foot and use the extra basework parts as embellishments on the chaos knight bases.

Posted on April 11th, 2009 at 11:29am by Shawn

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Trade In Program Update

I’m starting a new program. I’m running it through through May at least. I’m unlikely to discontinue it. I’m offering credit in trade for models.

You can usually get a much better deal going to the secondary market (local shop, ebay) on your own. If you want to trade in, we need a list with retail values and condition (eg new in box, new on sprue, assembled, primed). The rates below are a multiplier. If the entry says 0.30 it means you would get $30 for $100 worth of retail items. Just take the retail total and multiply it by the number.

The advantage of trading in with us is that you are likely to be able to unload disparate items without a lot of hassle (finding various buyers, setting up payment).

In the past I have only allowed for half or less of a project to be paid in credit this way. But for the time being I am lifting that restriction. I just know there’s someone who goes out to their garage, surveys the mass of unpainted models, sighs then turns out the light. This program will hopefully allow someone with the “white primer horde” to finally show up with a painted army.

We do not need or want painted figures.

If you want to trade-in figures, but don’t have a project ready, that’s OK, I will confirm your total and then you will have it on tap for when you want to use it.

This trade-in is recorded as a payment on your project. It is non-refundable except at our discretion (eg you can’t refuse the project and then get your trade-in amount refunded as cash). Trade-in can ONLY be applied to assembly and painting, not to the cost of models.

Generally, we only need in-print models that are currently in production.

These rates and conditions may change so it is recommended to check in every once in a while. I am likely to update the numbers about once a month. The plan right now is to update every first of the month. Fairness is the guiding principle.

Forge World 0.45
Assault on Black Reach Models (we don’t need these) 0.00

Chaos Space Marines 0.22
Daemonhunters 0.17
Daemons of Chaos 0.32
Eldar 0.22
Imperial Guard 0.24
Necrons 0.20
Orks 0.22
Space Marines 0.31
Tau 0.28
Tyranids 0.29
Witch Hunters 0.17

Lizardmen 0.32
Dark Elves 0.25
Warriors of Chaos 0.27
Other Warhammer Fantasy 0.20

Hordes 0.24
War Machine 0.22
Battlefleet Gothic 0.11
Lord of the Rings 0.17

Posted on April 10th, 2009 at 11:07pm by Shawn

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Tidal Wave

Picture: an Arvus Lighter (published by Forge World) I saw at Adepticon (we didn’t do this one).

I awoke at 2am this morning. I spent a few hours catching up on emails. I was at the studio by myself today– all the regulars were off duty. It was like a ghost town. Tomorrow is going to be a storm of activity starting in the AM, though, a virtual town parade.

I have ONE (one) slot left for the ATT special, so if you’re thinking about it, it’s time to quit your hemming and hawing.

I still have a few open slots for the end of April. I am ready whenever you are.

If you are ever in Provo, Utah, be sure to swing by the BYU creamery which is an old time soda fountain burger joint slash grocery store. The stuff in there is local, the ice cream is high octane fresh churned. And I ate a burger that was the best ever. I mean ehever. The meat was juicy and crusty and imperfect and just salty enough on a fluffy yellowish bun with fresh fixins.

I am about to watch 30 Rock with my delightsome wife and then hit the hay.

Posted on April 10th, 2009 at 12:40am by Shawn

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Better Shots of Red Orktober

Courtesy of Lathan M. I met and interviewed with this kindly fellow at Adepticon.

Red October is a submarine movie. Good stuff.

Posted on April 9th, 2009 at 4:01am by Shawn

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April Specials Update

Update on April Specials: I still have two slots open for the ATT special. I have three slots open for the Massed Infantry special. No takers thus far for the Press Gang Special.
These are repeated below for your convenience.
One client thought of the idea of having the pairs of vehicles done as one whole vehicle and another as the wrecked version.
ATT- Armor Two by Two
Get two vehicles painted and get two more painted free.*
Massed Infantry Special
Get 100 infantry painted L2 for $345. Now’s your chance!**
Guardsmen, Gaunts, Skaven, Orks. Those would be good ones.
Press Gang Special
Get your Privateer Press models (Hordes, War Machine) at 35% off. If you choose Artistic License you get 20% off on your painting. Get 40% off on your books if ordered with an army.***
*Here are the details– they must be in pairs. You can’t have a two rhinos painted regular price and then get two land raiders done for free. But you could have a Rhino and a Land Raider done then get two more of the same done free. Tanks don’t need to be the exact same to count as a pair, just similar (so you could pair up a Fire Prism and a Wave Serpent). All the vehicles in a project need to be roughly the same color scheme. Doesn’t apply to Forge World. I have four slots open for this (limited offer). Must ask for the special by name.
**Here are the details– Needs to be simple infantry (eg not loaded up with every accessory). L2 is our most basic work. They need to be all of similar type (ie not ten squads of different colors/types). I ahve four slots open for this (limited offer). Must ask for the special by name. If you want us to buy the models I may be able to get them at a better discount, too.
*** I have two slots open for this (limited offer). Must ask for the special by name.
I’ve found that when I run specials things come up that I haven’t thought of, so I reserve the right to reasonably alter or clarify the specials.

Posted on April 8th, 2009 at 3:02pm by Shawn

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