Sunday March 2 2008

Picture: a melting icicle shot by Chris Harris.

Warning: Oh, listen to me! Don’t read on, there’s no game-related material in here!

While we were in Vernal I saw some huge icicles. They must have been about five feet long.

The weather is getting warmer and the snow is retreating. This morning I went for a walk around the neighborhood. The clouds were low and grey, covering the peaks of the near mountains.

I love Sundays. Whenever my wife asks me to do something I just say “Day of REST!” really loud. It doesn’t work, but it’s fun to say.

During church, Griffin was having a hard time in nursery. It’s directly during his nap time. I’m really considering just taking him home during that time. Yeah, that has to happen.

This winter I decided not to shovel my driveway. Soon, it was a huge slab of ice, eight inches thick. It was unmanageable. Oh, how I wish I had just shoveled the snow as I went along.

How like that is to holding grudges, or letting bad habits go on year after year. Struggling to keep my life clear of these things (forgiving and repenting often) keeps these things from hardening into an impenetrable sheet of ice on my soul. And even if I’ve let things get bad I need to start picking away at it, day after day.

Help is often closer than I think. Heavenly Father is much kinder than I am to myself and I’ve always found His good grace; like a warm day that makes the ice melt away completely, and I can’t even remember it was there.

I am definitely not a very virtuous person. I have so very far to go.

One of my favorite discourses. It’s long, but there are some gemstones in there.

After church I went to do some Elders Quorum stuff, but not before making up some rice krispie treats. I like to make up a batch in a bowl and eat them with a fork while they are still warm, with a glass of ice cold milk. That’s the good stuff.

PS- Here I make my usual disclaimer: I am not a very good person. I struggle with what I suppose to be the regular weaknesses of mankind. I make no pretense. I’m just a guy who is trying to get better year after year.

Posted on March 4th, 2008 at 4:10am by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

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