Adepticon Notes

For those just joining the program, Adepticon is a major Warhammer 40K and Fantasy convention in Chicago every Spring.

Saturday I set up our modest booth, just around 100 figures. So, that was about a tenth as much as last year. A lot less hassle and it left me free to move around and admire other people’s work and get to know both clients and fellow professionals.

I met Steve from Armorcast, he’s the new owner and he told me all about the illustrious history of that company. They make a great product. Way back when, they had the license to make the oversize GW models. That was before Forge World was created.

Speaking of Forge World, I now have a complete set of Imperial Armor books and I must say that’s the crown jewel of my library. Very nice. Oh, and I finally picked up a copy of the Apocalypse book by FW. That’s a really good use of money.

The highlight of the convention for me was the two interviews I did with 40K radio. Those two guys (Spencer and Phil) are really, really cool. They are genuine and easy-going. I’m now a 40K radio believer!

However, I did feel a bit sheepish about some of the off-the-cuff remarks during the interviews. I got to thinking about that afterwards. If you know me, you know that I ramble and say inappropriate things. I’ve been working on curbing that. But anyway, my thought currently is “Hey, that’s how I am so like it or leave it.” But at the same time I have toned it down a bit. I really to hope I don’t offend anyone.

If you want to hear the interviews, look for the April 12, 2008 entries on

What else? We provided a huge display board and a 4,000 point army for the tournament organizers, Greg Sparks and the “Glance in the Pants” team.

I also had a client come up and point out that we forgot his order (an Eldar Avatar) for the convention. I was absolutely mortified. So, I think I need to change my policy to “no rush orders”. I really try to make it happen for everyone, but it almost never ends well. There’s too much that can go wrong with something as delicate as creating an army. Hmmm… Or I could streamline the process and make it happen without a flaw.

The main thing I have going for me in life is Blind Persistence.

I also spent some time with Matt Sabol (the army transport guy). He puts out a great product. He’s been trying to discontinue the top-loading Battalion transport in favor of the multiple column Division type transport. I think the latter is a LOT better.

Ayup, I met a lot of great people. I am very excited. I’m really glad we went. I wish I would have spent more time over with Gale Force Nine.

Tamie and I went to downtown Chicago for some steak. That was quite an adventure. Downtown Chicago is really cool. I was impressed with how clean it was; gusting and raining. But what’s with all the honking? We were looking around each time someone sounded the horn. Now I know what a deer feels like when it wanders into a city. It was like a different plane of reality, crowded with well-heeled Chicago-ites out on the town on a Saturday night; the streets like multi-colored tunnels.

From the plane, downtown Chicago was like a brooding cluster of dark towers on the edge of a sullen sea, but once you’re down there it’s like a black-marble and neon palace. We got back late and just hung out in the hotel room. It was a good night’s sleep.

Sunday morning, I just wandered around a little bit, said our goodbyes and headed out to the airport. We are now at an airport restaurant just hanging out for three hours.

Posted on April 13th, 2008 at 6:09pm by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

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