Archive for August, 2008

Green Stuff

Some tips about epoxy putty

This is also known as “green stuff”.
Use only hobby grade stuff. Many brands of epoxy putty are for plumbing and are entirely unsuited for using with miniatures.
Wet your hands when mixing, water keeps the putty from sticking to your fingers. Or your tools for that matter.
Dental tools can be had at most “dollar stores” and are fabulous for shaping putty. Galeforce Nine puts out a set that is out of this world, and worth every penny.
If the temperature is warm, the putty will be more workable and stay malleable for longer.
If you want your putty to stay solid while it is setting, you can put it in the freezer.
Two-part epoxy putty relies on a chemical reaction to dry. It does not need air.

Posted on August 13th, 2008 at 4:58am by Shawn

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Tuesday August 12 2008 Mellow Yellow

Picture: Blasphemy! A yellow bloodthirster by Forge World.

See other pics.
See a vid. with commentary.

I wish I had something interesting to write. Things are smooth at the studio. Projects for this last cycle are due in Thursday morning– if you have something coming due this week, pics should be up on Friday.

The studio is running well on account of an excellent crew: they are each one dedicated and cheerful.

I’m now booking for September, please contact me if you’d like something done. As usual, my goal is to get everything set up for September before the end of August.

I spend about an hour and a half chewing the fat with Brigh. He was a high school English teacher before this. We also talked a lot about sculpting and casting our own figures. The plan is to create two armies and a game system. It’s really all for a lark– the figures are meant to stand on their own for collectors or whoever. Oooooh, I bet you’d like to know what’s cooking!

Plus this is a really new area for us, so it won’t be like Forge World or anything.

At home, all is at peace. I had chicken and watermelon for dinner, answering a few last emails while watching Star Trek. I’m going back over TNG– that’s the most positive of all of them.

Solve for “The Field”: refers to missionary scripture D&C 4 referring to the world as a field. Or, if you will, the field from the parable of wheat and tares (also the world).

Posted on August 13th, 2008 at 3:46am by Shawn

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Monday August 11 2008 Pink

Picture: a Space Wolf Fortress. A set like this will set you back $875. It could be conceivably done for any race.

Still pics
Finished product video.

Today we got in a Forge World order. Heather came in and picked up two projects (Taros 01 SL and Eldar 01 AS). Angela came down to pick up War Machine 02 RD cryx.

August is booked up. Now it’s time to get things set up for September.

We went in for the mid-way ultrasound today. It’s a girl. My life feels complete in this moment.

Posted on August 12th, 2008 at 4:43am by Shawn

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Sunday August 10 2008 Catch 22

Another Sunday. Sweet.

It was the usual. Lazy morning. Church. Home Teaching in the afternoon. A few walks around the neighborhood with the kids. We also visited a family where the husband was severely burned while working on on some electrical system. He’s in bad shape– burns all over and his entire left arm bandaged up.

Just before church Tamie and I were sprawled out in the front room in our skivvies wondering for just one moment if we shouldn’t skip out just this one Sunday. Heck no! And so we got everyone going.

Today’s lesson was on justice and mercy. I must say that I’m glad not to be teaching any more. I can just sit there and get a moment’s peace and think things over.

What else to say? As usual my mind is simmering with worries about the business. It almost takes a whole day just to lay it aside, like a farmer looking out over the fields from the porch– fretting over this or that.

Tomorrow morning Tamie and I are going to the ultrasound to find out the health, status and gender of the baby. I’m super excited. We are getting along famously. In fact, our family life is quite peaceful in general.

As usual, I make my usual disclaimer: I am subject to similar foibles as any man. My only intent is to uplift, perhaps, some sagging soul.

Posted on August 11th, 2008 at 3:27am by Shawn

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Saturday August 9 2008 Re-run

How to make a forest from branches. Pictures.

Family Land
I was up early this Saturday morning answering emails. Then we were off for the day to the Fire, Water and Ice Festival up in Salt Lake (or thereabouts).

On the way up, I had my laptop hooked up in the car and I made some good inroads into finishing up any client communication that needed to happen.

When we got there, there was a huge line waiting to get in. We had some Little Ceasar’s pizzas so we layed into those for a slightly early lunch. Tamie got the kids rubbed down with some sunscreen. Tamie’s sister was working there and so we were able to get a good spot by passing out lawn chairs over the fence to her. Plus we got free tickets!

The kids spent the day frolicking in the various water playgrounds. What does this mean for daddy? Following Griffin around to be sure he doesn’t get into any trouble. He has no sense of personal danger and if left unattended for five seconds will throw himself off the highest point. He is very dextrous and athletic. It was a magical time, being in the water with him, his dusty blonde hair plastered around his ice blue eyes; smiling and sputtering.

Both the boys need haircuts.

What else? I got a much needed mini-massage; melting away giant lumpy knots of stress. We ate some overpriced “hostage food” meat kabobs of some kind.

About five hours into the deal, I was spent. I headed out the car, turned on the AC and started pounding the keyboard and listening to some music (Rush, Quiet Riot, et. al.). I think I got it pretty much cleared out. If you are waiting for some kind of communication, you might want to re-send; I’m sorry about that.

I also walked down to the local grocery store. I would have driven but Tamie asked that I not lose our sweet, sweet parking spot. This paid off later when we had to leave and we got out right away. Here’s what I bought: peanut butter cookies, gummy worms, chocolate milk, two burger (from Arctic Circle), and ice.

In the afternoon, clouds gathered and cooled the scene down with a light spattering of rain. For about fifteen minutes, longabout 7pm there was a crack of thunder and a downpour culling some of the less dedicated pool-goers. My kids love that sort of stuff, and generally adapt well to new circumstances. This is bound to be the doing of the mother.

With the pools now empty, what was left was a thin “people soup” of skin flakes, hair, bandaids, and diluted urine.

Then the fireworks. I must be getting old. Fireworks are yawn-worthy. Even the kids are like “been there, done that”. Tamie insists though, she’s a stickler for traditional stuff like that. Fireworks? We’re going. It’s our civic duty.

On the way home, every one except the driver fell asleep. We were all completely and utterly exhausted. Griffin had some trouble, waking up distraught about an hour into the sleep cycle. We think he was just over stimulated. His little brain short-circuited.

Final Note: it is very strange for me to take a day off. It’s been years plowing away.

Posted on August 10th, 2008 at 5:01am by Shawn

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Friday August 8 2008 The Field


Hey all, just a quick post tonight.

I took a half personal day going to the MTC and the Provo Temple. I feel light as a cork.

Then, after wrapping up some business at the office, I had an alumnus in for a game of 40K. I took some video of that… forthcoming. Tyranids vs Chaos.

Here are some pics of the D&D figures we’ve been doing for our game:
We had a heck of a time today with the camera. It won’t take close shots very easily. New camera is coming.
Solve for “Venous Hum”: that’s a condition that one of the band members of the band Venus Hum has, the band that I recommend in the post.

Posted on August 9th, 2008 at 4:12am by Shawn

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Thursday August 7 2008 Venous Hum

Picture: a modified Bloodthirster of Khorne, part of this Daemons of Chaos army. This one had modifications to the head.

Blue Table Painting has grown beyond what I ever imagined when I first started in my garage. I am grateful for those that have helped the business along. There have been a lot of people: mentors, artists, clients, friends and passers-by. We’re creeping up on five years and things are better than ever.

Originally, I had thought to grow it to humongous proportions; like fifty people. In the last year, I have moved away from that. I have very modest financial goals and I also just want to go about my business in peace. I just want to have a really good studio and have a positive impact in the world.

This has also changed the way I approach the business. For example: I write whatever I want on the blog. I’ve figured out what is important to me. Anything that keeps me up at night needs to be excised. I run it how I want, and if people want to come along for the ride, that’s great. If not, why it’s a great big country out there, and there’s a place for everyone to be happy.

I theorize that it must be like 1-3 million in gross sales of miniatures each month. That means after discounting the various sorts of people that don’t or won’t have their miniatures painted still means a LOT of people who need this service. It’s also a growing industry. By that I mean that people don’t realize they need this yet, and even then don’t really know where to go to reliably have it done.

So, I predict that there will be more companies like mine up and coming. I am very interested in seeing how things shape up. I am a well-wisher. I hope they are successful and get the same satisfaction that I have. It’s a tough road, but very worthwhile.

It’s really nice to just relax and not worry about competition like some old king wringing his hands about newborn heirs. I used to be so worried every time I saw a new studio crop up. Rather, I’m keen on advising and encouraging new entrepreneurs. Ha! Assuming I have any good advice!
The only thing I wring my hands about now is if a customer didn’t like the service.

So, if you are starting your own operation, drop me a line.

In case you haven’t seen it already, here’s the trailer for Dawn of War 2. Pretty sweet.

The warp spiders look so amazingly cool. Too bad they’ve never been that good in the game. It’s rare to see them in a tournament army.

I painted up a few Raeks for D&D. Pics coming.

Family Land

Last night was the ward pool party at the public water park. It was a balmy summer evening, and as the sun went down the chorus of crickets came up and the pool lights lit up the place with warm green and blue.

The kids swarmed around me, and I gave them “turtle rides” where I swim just under the surface and they ride on my back. I just love my children. They have added another dimension to my life, like having no hearing, and then having it. I didn’t know such a thing existed. When my young son puts his arms around my neck and kisses my cheek and his hair smells like baby shampoo, that’s heaven. And my lovely wife, now ever so rotund. I speak to the baby through her navel.

I have a new favorite band: Venus Hum.
What is life about? To leave the world a better place?

Posted on August 8th, 2008 at 4:52am by Shawn

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Stonemarch Session 06- Sacking of Winterhaven

Just a brief synopsis.

At the end of session the party got into town and was met by Ninarin who lured them into the basement and wizard locked the door. But at the beginning of session 06 they got out through the aqueducts under the city and back up over the walls. She also took away her daughter Uletsabe

They found that the inhabitants of the town were rounded up into Wrafton’s Inn and a tribe of goblins sacking the town. Seeing the townsfolk in trouble the heroes jumped from the walls and headed over to the the smithy to loot the place.

They didn’t make it. Ninarin harrassed them with her bladed sphere (in my campaign Ninarin is a main villain and a powerful Star Pack Warlock), teleporting around town. The party was all over the place, running hither and thither without organization.

Ninarin ordered the gate opened (letting in a troll), put the guard on alert to arrest the heroes, and generally caused all sorts of problems.

The villagers were led into the dungeons far below the city (in my campaign the shadowfell keep dungeon is under Winterhaven) by the Red Reaver goblin tribe. The party found an alternate route into the dungeon and headed down.

They snuck around and found the goblins herding the villagers deeper into the dungeon. Seeing the plight of the poor commoners they promptly went to explore other areas of the dungeon.

They cleared out a goblin wizard’s lair and then (good thing they wandered off) stumbled on Uletsabe in a torture chamber. They saved her just in the nick of time!

They also finally got Duvan (their mentor, who speaks Kobold) to question the Kobold sub-chieftan that Galifax (Dragonborn fighter played by Renn) had been carting around on his back. The kobold revealed that their queen had been abducted and held in the town and thus they had come to release her by seige and force.

It was a six hour session. It was so good that the time just flew by.

Posted on August 8th, 2008 at 4:04am by Shawn

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Adepticon Thank You

Dear Shawn,
The staff on AdeptiCon council would like to thank you for your contribution to AdeptiCon 2008. Please review the attached letter and see the AdeptiCon 2008 Retrospective that is provided at the link below. The retrospective provides comprehensive coverage for the entire event weekend. Over the next few months, we will begin working with our sponsors in preparation for AdeptiCon 2009. We thank you once again for your continued support and hope to grow our relationship well into the future.
Kind Regards,
Greg SparksAdeptiCon 2008 Sponsor Coordinator

Posted on August 8th, 2008 at 4:01am by Shawn

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Monday August 4 2008 Low Rumble

Picture: a Macharius tank by Forge World. See various here.

Tip: when assembling resin, be sure to wash it with soapy water and let it dry thoroughly. There is mould release agent on the resin most like. This won’t cooperate with the primer or paint. Use automotive primer. It sticks better.

It was a crazy Monday as always. When packages come in, they are opened and we unload the contents into foam-lined bins. Then we send an email confirming receipt of models. Then they go to Assembly for cleaning and to get basework done… and to be assembled of course. Even if a project comes assembled it goes in for repairs and a double-check.

I think that we’ll be caught up tomorrow.

There are still four open slots in August.

Posted on August 5th, 2008 at 3:04am by Shawn

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