Political Video Dump

Oh, I could die a happy man to see this happen:


Here is an email I got from Eric Danley, my political counterpart.

Yesterday I spent the day up north in Wisconsin, Canvassing for Barack Obama. I’ve never hid the fact that I am an ardent supported of the Senator, but this is first time I really took that step into participatory democracy instead of just being a “Monday Morning Quarterback.” I’ve actually served as an election judge many times, but this was truly different. My team of 4 which included myself, my wife, an African American Cop from Chicago, and an African American Financial Auditor collectively knocked on 250 “targeted” doors. I think by targeted, they mean people registered to vote but not registered with a Party.
Most houses we knocked on were marked “not home” but there were many times where the residents were clearly visible and simply chose to ignore us at the door. Some tiimes we would be enthusiastically welcomed as the candidate of choice and other times we were politely told they were supported McCain. It was not our place to argue or convert, so we simply would ask what issues brought them to that decision and thank them for their time. A handful of times however the people we visited would throw our brochures at us, slams the door in our face, or all out verbally assault us or the candidate: “Oh god I don’t want that piece of $#@% in the office,” or “How dare you come to my door with his crap?” It may have been racism, or simply partisanship but to me it was truly sad.
I am a passionate believer in our democracy. I believe in our system, and our constitution. I have many times encouraged friends, family, and acquaintances to vote even when I knew their vote would be against my candidate. In order for a government to be truly representative, the electorate must be informed and participate. I guess thats what frustrated me so much about my day yesterday. Those people who could not spare 2 minutes of their time to be politely given a brochure and asked if they’ve decided on a candidate, but even more those people who were enraged by my choice to support a different candidate from their own. John McCain Loves America. Barack Obama Loves America. I love America. We are all citizens or this great nation and although we sometimes make different choices we all want the United States of America to be the greatest nation on Earth. So why can’t we have a civilized discussion? Its this great debate that makes this country a Nation By the People, and For the people.

I don’t know why I’m sending this to you, except that I know that you too love this country and we haven’t heard to much politics from BTP recently.


[Random thought from client]

Afther watching the political video dump in your blog I thought you might be interested to see the following if you havent already. Also if you havent already read the Creature from Jeckyl Island, a secong look at the federal reserve, I highly recomend it, its a fasinating read and endorsed by Ron Paul. cheers dan, good blog
p.s. tryed to put on comments on the blog but unable to get links to work.

Posted on September 11th, 2008 at 2:56am by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

Comments: 2 comments


2 Responses to 'Political Video Dump'

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  1. The Liberty Amendment would:

    Kill the USPS
    Kill NPR/PBS

    Make the poor, even poorer.

    I know the idea of this is unfettered capitalism, but you want to eliminate the treasury department? How do we still have currency?

    There is much more to this, but this is a horrible horrible idea.

    Instead, why don’t you focus on forming a 3rd party organization. It won’t be a quick and easy process, but build a party, build an organization and reach that 5% threshold. 3rd Parties have happened before and can happen again, if you actually work within the process to reform it. Instead of simply appeasing your supports by supporting an amendment that will NEVER make it through congress let along get ratified by 2/3 rds of the state.

    Measured change, and you can make a difference.


    Eric Danley

    13 Sep 08 at 4:45 pm


  2. Afther watching the political video dump in your blog I thought you might be interested
    to see the following if you havent already. Also if you havent already read the Creature from
    Jeckyl Island, a secong look at the federal reserve, I highly recomend it, its a fasinating read and endorsed by Ron Paul.
    cheers dan, good blog






    20 Sep 08 at 2:15 am



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