Bait and Switch

As usual, the Federal Government (and their True Masters) have bungled the entire operation beyond belief and then pretends to ride to the rescue.
Prediction for 2009. You’re going to hear a lot about two things:

A) How urgent and quick action on the part of the Feds has saved us all from a grim situation (but actually just revved up the printing press and signed papers forcing the actual producers to pay real wealth to do it).

B) How the common man needs to band together and take care of himself and fellow man.
Hey, here’s an idea, how about you LEAVE US THE HELL ALONE. How about just a lot of B and none of A.
Don’t get me wrong. I think some taxation is all right. I do think that the Federal Government is approximately eight times larger than it should be. States should have more power. I have no problem with taxation at the state level. As a small businessman, I have had a good experience with State, County, and City level. The closer things get to the individual, the better-managed things tend to be. Just my experience.
Here at Blue Table Painting we paint three armies a month, send them to Washington and get almost nothing in return. We have been told that the money is being held in trust for future return and security. I do not believe it. I think it is tantamount to robbery.
How about you congressmen and senators start obeying the Highest Law of the land for a change. No one gave you permission to print trillions of dollars for whatever you please. I’m not buying it.
Of course, it’s easy to believe in the goodness of the common man and the strength and ability of local community when I live in Utah Valley. I live and breathe the actual reality of the goodness of my fellowman. In my ward, we take care of each other.
There is at least one bit of good news: Congressman Jason Chaffetz arrived at the capitol. One down, two hundred to go.
Drain the swamp! Vote Independent!
Don’t get me wrong. I am very optimistic. Not so optimistic that I think that we’ll get a demi-god like Ron Paul in 2012. The electorate is not nearly informed enough (yet) for something so fantastic beyond belief.
Second prediction: Obama is going to do a good job. I don’t agree with everything, but I think he will do respectably. (I mean, after Ron Paul, nothing looks quite as good) I do respect Obama as a man. He will be a relatively moderate president, more than people are expecting right now.

Posted on January 8th, 2009 at 5:59pm by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

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