Garbage Pizza

Picture: one of several converted “Noise Marines” for the studio Dragons of Moloch army. I will be pulling this army soon unless someone buys it. It’s 2300 pts, legal and competitive for $650. Surely I don’t need to spell it out.
These two units (of five each with Blastmaster and Sonic Blasters and champion-types) will make the army a lot more challenging to play against and a lot more fun and flexible.
I didn’t go to sleep until 2am last night. In fact, let’s go all the way back to Friday night. We had a “dark convocation” down at the studio, which means we just get together really late at night to play games. Magic in this case. Again, a complete waste of time, but a lot of fun. I brought my seven-year-old son down and we got some good bonding time in. He fell asleep on the way home.
The heater in my van is not working very well. It’s cold. But I own it; no debt!
But somehow I got up at 7am this morning, and couldn’t get back to sleep, and indeed the kids were up and ready to horse around on a Saturday morning. So, I just started pounding that Inbox, which is nearly clear now. That’s nice.
I made a rare trip to the scales recently and found to my horror that I’ve ballooned up to 212 pounds. Blarg. I’ve got to cut out the soda. I’ve started also exercising every morning for 20 minutes. Without fail. I’ve got to start moving. My wife is feeding me Dee’s cereal, which I swear has gritty chunks of dirt in it. I hate that crap. But supposedly it’s good for you, so away we go.
I’ve got to find some new favorite foods. Eating a half pound of bacon in one sitting isn’t going to do it anymore. Same with waffles and whipped cream. Tear… I’ve got four little kids to think about, all looking up to me to raise them and provide for them.
My wife and I have a pact: if she provides a lunch I will eat that and nothing else. But there was no lunch waiting when I took off this morning so that cleared the way for a “garbage” pizza. I asked them if they had some non-carbonated drinks, but they sent Sunkist. I guess that sounds like fruit juice to a teenaged pizza salon worker.
I made some conversions to the studio Dragons of Moloch army, converting ten Khorne Berserkers into Noise Marines. I am extremely pleased with how that turned out, and I think it will make the army more fun to play. So, who wants to play me a game of 40K!!!???
I also plan on adding a vindicator with a brass dragon head for the cannon. That’s going to be made from a McFarlane dragon head. Sweet. That will complete the army and replace the Defiler (which I sold, good riddance!). Theoretically good.
The Corsairs of Iyanden army has sold. I still have the Imperial Guard and the OTHER Iyanden army up on the block.
On another note: I am already behind in my goals for the year. I found four hours to play Magic but zero hours to go to the temple. I’m shooting for an early, early Monday morning session. Also, last Sunday I decided to quit moaning and griping about whipping the details of my spiritual life into shape and just do it. I set a goal to be perfect for a day. And by perfect I mean just keep it together in certain areas which I view as weaknesses, as well as do some daily good habits. Just for one day. And I did it. Well, I did say “bitch” once. So, pretty close.
The rest of the week was my regular plateau, no improvement unfortunately.
So, this Sunday I’m going to go for another 24 hour stint of perfection. Can it be done?
My predominat sense today is one of gratitude. The grace and kindness of Heavenly Father. A kind being with whom you would feel naturally, and normally at rest and peace. To meet the Almighty God face to face is as comfortable as a a baby being cradled in the arms of a loving parent.
“While one portion of the human race is judging and condemning the other without mercy, the Great Parent of the universe looks upon the whole of the human family with a fatherly care and paternal regard; He views them as His offspring, and without any of those contracted feelings that influence the children of men, causes ‘His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.’” (“Chapter 2: God the Eternal Father,” Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, (2007),36–44)
I would like to offer a word of encouragement to you, yes you, person reading this. Keep your chin up. Things will get better. Life has purpose. Just under this shell, just under the surface of the water is a deeper world; a world of light in which you are beloved. You are cosmic royalty. The molecules of the universe know you and bow before you. You are an inheritor of this Earth.

Posted on January 18th, 2009 at 3:14am by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

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