My Sentiments Exactly

[Letter from BJ Lawson who ran for congress in 2008 in North Carolina]

Dear Friend,

Thanks again for your support and efforts last November. Since the election, I’ve taken some needed time with the family — but as the new year rolls around, it’s time to once again get active.

While we weren’t victorious, it is critical that the voice of individual liberty, personal responsibility, and principled government remain strong during these trying times. We continue to head down the wrong path, and The Establishment in Washington (and Raleigh, for that matter) perpetuates its interests as power brokers, bureaucrats, and politicians look out for one another while Americans on the outside suffer the consequences.

Just this morning, you’ll be pleased to know that our corporate welfare system has given Bank of America $138 billion in capital injections and guarantees as it pulls an Enron following its purchase of Merrill Lynch. Keep in mind that Bank of America’s total market capitalization is about $40 billion — therefore, you’d expect that such a dramatic rescue would completely wipe out existing stockholders, bondholders, and present management to prevent moral hazard and demonstrate the consequences of corporate irresponsibility.

But that’s not the way the world works. Bank of America, Citi, Goldman Sachs, and other recipients of government largesse will continue to profit from the illusion that their existence makes the world a better place. Did you know that we gave Goldman Sachs $10 billion in taxpayer money in 2008, while Goldman Sachs gave out $11 billion in bonuses? Our national debt and budget deficits are going vertical as we borrow money from the banksters to give it back to the banksters… while we shoulder the endlessly compounding burden of interest. Folks, this math doesn’t work.

As the assault on our country, its economy, and our future becomes increasingly brazen, it is important that we stay involved. I will continue to blog at, but the most important involvement is in the real world. As I mentioned in this blog post:

It starts at the precinct meeting, then the county convention, then the district convention, and finally the state convention. Bring a few friends along with you to each of these events, volunteer, elect principled people into leadership positions, appoint principled people to committees, and with some effort we’ll end up with a party organization that is willing to be honest with itself, and the American people.

If you’re in North Carolina’s 4th District, start by saving these dates:
Chatham County: Precinct meetings at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, March 10 at the District Courtroom in Pittsboro. County convention to follow at 7:00 PM.
Orange County: Precinct meetings at 9:00 AM on Saturday, March 7 at the Big Barn Convention Center. County convention to follow.
Durham County: Pending, but will be on a Saturday in March.
Wake County: Precinct meetings at 8:00 AM on Thursday, February 19. Locations depend on State House district. County convention on Thursday, March 12.
Ready to get in touch with others? Sign up at Campaign for Liberty, join organizations like the Republican Liberty Caucus, an let’s be the change we want to see in the world.



As usual I am very open to input and insight, which I will post in this same entry. Relevant and polite is all I ask. I am always happy to hear a different view.

Posted on January 16th, 2009 at 6:49pm by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

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