Pleasure Cruise

Sarah and I got started bright and early on Friday morning, getting things tidied up and going over each project to see if they needed some updating.

At long last we got Sarah’s Lizardmen on the table. I was shooting for a “simple” 1400 point game. I realized a few turns in what a complicated game Warhammer is. It would be better to do more of a tutorial, more on that later.

The Lizardmen army is about 2200 pts and looking good. It need some refining (ie, needs a saurus scar veteran on foot, and movement trays). We plan on using Chakax the Eternity Warden as the model for the army commander (you can always just use him as a regular hero.

After that leisurely episode, we got to work. It was like an emergency room with artists coming and going, touching up this project or that, and getting things packed up (didn’t make it to the PO, though, will do first thing Monday and confirm).

The big news is that we finished a Death Korps of Krieg army. Oh, and Renn is ready to roll with his Bone Knights, those are done now, so it’s just a matter of time before I get to test my mettle against them.

Date Night
Once home, I found a heavenly sponge cake baked up from scratch. My wife is the most amazing cook. We got dressed up and went out for the night, to eat some Thai food. We both love it. I can’t get enough. For the years before I met my wife, I heard (of course) the rumors about how difficult it is. I was really worried about all the drama and weeping that might ensue. However, I’ve found the opposite to be true once within the blessed bonds ; we have got along famously. Tamara seems to be more warm and delightsome than ever. There really is a folding and deepening of love as the years have wheeled on. Nevermind the children, which are the culmination of dedication and true love. Fifteen years married. We agreed last night that it seems more like eight years.

Interesting factoid: Tamie and I were engaged three weeks after our first date. Don’t recommend it for everyone.

A gift from the self esteem Fairy.

Posted on April 25th, 2009 at 9:40pm by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

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