Response to Equilibrium Post

Quick response to one of your recent posts.
1. I believe what was actually cut was funding for additional f22s, not the entire program. That was the quote from cnn and Robert Gates a few days ago anyway.
2. If I may be so bold as to offer a dissenting opinion (said with a smile.)Defense projects like the f22 employ hundreds, often thousands of Americans in the private sector. Sure, there are government workers who contribute, no question. But the materials for the project and the construction of the craft are most often done by private companies. You should check out how most military contracts are gained, often competing private companies produce prototype products, and then are contracted for that item based on availability, performance, and political concerns.
This obviously only deals with procurement, but the military is one of the few branches of government that draws heavily from private industry to fill its needs.The cost to the taxpayer and the relative need for new military inovation aside (a discussion that is worth a few hundred thousand words at least) the U.S. military structure funds lots of inovation and start up companies.
P.S.I, personally have been converted to the cause of the conservative independent since this last election. Get the facts, ask questions, question statements involving dollars and numbers, what I’ve found is that nearly every number quoted today in politics to justify this program or that is an intentional distortion of reality, twisted to serve the speaker’s personal opinion. Now having done some research, I truly feel the 2 party system has failed the American people by condencing our political options down to a few limited moderates who only differ from one another on a few token issues used to distinguish themselves from the other party.
–end soap box rant–

Posted on July 24th, 2009 at 2:14pm by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

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    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!…


    1 Dec 14 at 12:22 am



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