
This week my grandma Laurie has been in for a visit. She’s my last surviving grandparent. My wife has none. Having her around brings back all those great memories of being a young boy. I lived with her and Grandpa Len during fifth grade down in southern California, right next to the beach.
To come into the room and see her sitting elegantly erect, reading spectacles perched precisely, and soaking up her well-worn, well-read, well-marked brown leather-bound bible is a comfort.
My wife and I were up really late watching Warehouse 13, our new mutually adored show. We ate English muffins with peanut butter and honey (from the hives of SMA), sliced local peaches, home-made salsa (made from tomatoes from our yard) and chips.
Reminds me of the show The Lost Door which I highly recommend.
I woke up really early, went for a walk. There was a thunderstorm the night before, and the sky was still cloudy and the streets still wet. It was perfect.
After hanging out all morning with the family we headed to church. I had a nagging headache. Not enough water? Not enough sleep? Sunday School was quite inspiring. I’ve been in a plateau. It’s time to step it up a notch. Lesson was Faith in Every Footstep.
All in all a very enjoyable Sabbath. Super-relaxing. I just hope I can get a good night’s sleep. I am absolutely chomping on the bit to get to work on Monday. It’s time to get in a game!

Posted on September 21st, 2009 at 1:46am by Shawn

Categories: Uncategorized

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