Archive for January, 2009

Vulpus Terra

A good friend of mine is taking on some commissions for painting. He’s really, really talented, honest and reliable. You can contact him at His name is Jon. He lives in southern Utah.

Here is some of his work:

Posted on January 16th, 2009 at 5:55pm by Shawn

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Ollie’s Miniatures

Found this website with some really good figures on it. This company sells these figures.

Posted on January 16th, 2009 at 3:51pm by Shawn

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Picture: a Hook Mountain Ogre from the Pathfinder range. These models are sculpted by the folks from Crocodile Games. They are quite characterful.

Today began at 6:30am, naturally and alert. I got the kids up and ready for school, putting fruit and home-made ravioli in their lunches. I then proceeded to spend about two or three hours processing videos. It’s more time-consuming than people think.

The snow is receding, leaving a black ribbon of pavement flanked by mounds of icy snow. I do ever so miss the rain of my Oregon-an homeland. But I do have new things to love… snow-encrusted mountains, that in the dispersed mooncloud light look like another world hovering near.

Which leads me to the thought for the day. Every person (or city, or job) has a list of good things about it and a list of bad things about it. Make a decision. If you can love that person, then it’s time to embrace the ENTIRE LIST and quit yer gripin’. It’s not right to keep up a relationship but keep on belly-aching about the things on the bad list. If it’s that bad, then leave for something better. If it’s good overall then focus on the good list.

Which is why I hate to hear women griping about their husbands. Unless you had an arranged marriage… you picked him, so accept and love him for his whole self. It’s really not fair to us poor men to get constantly picked at until the day we die. The reverse is true, too.

This doesn’t apply to my marriage of course. I’m married to a very appreciative (and smart) woman.

However, I’ve found myself on the “nag” end of things. I get home from work and nothing is good enough. I find ever smaller things to pick on. That was the huge change this last year. I just started letting go and appreciating what I got. My wife can now do no wrong.

Of course, I don’t want to come across as patronizing or preachy. I realize some situations are different. I’m just saying what I think.

Now, back to the day as it unfolded. I got to the studio around 11am to find Sarah and the new camera (code name Nellie) hard at work. Almost every project was a day late, two days in some cases, so we really had to crunch it in the late afternoon. It was like an emergency room.

We even made a Morning Show, but it sucked so bad I think we’re going to scratch it. It was really flat.

Renn, Brigh and I have been playing some Magic on the side. What a time-parasite. But I taught my son how to play it and it’s almost all he wants me to do. I am pleased beyond belief. He really likes and understands it. Really nice. His grades have even begun to suffer. I’m so proud! (just kidding). I put a moratorium on Magic at the studio until we are caught up.

Currently, we’re booking projects for February. We’re ready to go whenever you are.

To cap off the evening we (Sarah and her husband, Tamie and I) went out to Thai food at a new Orem restaurant called “Thai Drift” which I highly, highly recommend. It’s right next to my favorite LGS, too.

What else? We’re going to Adepticon this year. Tamie can’t make it on account of the baby, so it’ll be me a few of the crew.

Posted on January 15th, 2009 at 5:19am by Shawn

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"Federal" Reserve Snubs Your Congressman

Posted on January 14th, 2009 at 10:14am by Shawn

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Well, it’s embarrassing to say it, but I accidentally archived my entire Inbox– every email was shuffled into the other 10,000. So, if you are waiting for a response from me on something I’ll need you to re-send.

That’s once in three years, so not too bad.

Posted on January 14th, 2009 at 12:16am by Shawn

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Beat Down

I’m insanely tired. I’m behind on my emails. I hope to clear it up tomorrow. So, I’m really sorry if you haven’t heard back from me today.

Posted on January 13th, 2009 at 5:51am by Shawn

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New Years Resolutions

I love resolutions! I think it’s great to at least give it a shot.
I am a firm believer in incrementalism when it comes to self improvement. An obvious instance of this in my own life was on my mission. I was to get up of my own accord at 6:30am without fail, seven days a week, 365 days a year. At first, it was a week or two on and a week or two off. But then slowly it came into line. A good habit doesn’t take all at once! I bought a huge silver alarm clock with the two bells on top. I put it all the way across the room so that I would have to get out of bed to turn it off. By then end of the two years, I would wake up naturally at 6:30am.
  • Eat more healthy (this is general on purpose). Almost anything would be more healthy than what I’m eating now.
  • Fast six times (working up to twelve for 2010!).
  • Spend more time with my kids. This one is the most serious of them. I do it already off and on, here and there, but with great frequency. I’m talking about daddy-daughter/son dates. At least twice a month.
  • Cut out the mild profanity.
  • I have three more but they’re really personal.
It’s better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.
Better to do something half-assed than not at all. My wife hates that one. She says now and again that I did something half-assed. I remonstrate saying it’s at least three-quarter-assed nowadays. So much for the mild profanity one! I’m going to start tomorrow, really.
But seriously speaking, a general conference talk which has been of great illumination to me talks about quest for betterment without beating one’s-self up can be read here.

Posted on January 11th, 2009 at 8:09pm by Shawn

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Snowy Saturday Lazy Afternoon

I just can’t get enough. So many games, so little time. I make it a habit to get in at least one game a week, and it’s mighty tough not to play two!

First off, we’re booking projects for February. Now’s the time to get things set up.

I’ve got a hankering to play 40K, but I only have the various studio armies and I don’t like to give them more than very light use. So, what’s next for 40K. If all goes according to play, I think it’s going to be Eldar. I am conflicted. I really want to try a force that features nine war walkers. I love the model and everything about it in the game. It’s one of the few, maybe only, items where two of the same heavy weapon don’t make it twin linked. Yeah, I really want to give that a spin.

Of course, I can’t lose sight of what will be fun.

Anyhoo, I got the studio around noon on Saturday for my game with Mike D. (Notrep about that forthcoming). We had mexican food for lunch and played a 1950 point game. I think that’s really an ideal point level. It’s almost the highest you can go without adding in a (potentially unbalancing) Lord with Humongous Monster Mount. It was a most satisfying game, very close, though we don’t know because we didn’t add up the points at the end.

The duds of the game, as usual, were the Cold One Knights who failed to Stupidity checks and just rambled forward, got charged and wiped out. Oh, how I hate them. Great models, but they are blow-tastic.

The studs of the game, as usual, were the Black Guard, who charged right up the middle and swept all before them all the way to the opposite table edge: they got hit with a direct stone thrower hit, charged through two Fanatics and then proceeded to shred everything in sight with the remaining nine models. So, It’s time to get another unit of those guys.

I am officially NOT doing chaos mortals nor skaven, but waiting for Lizardmen.

That evening I went out to eat with various family members on Tamies side: some steak and good company. That’s good times. Tamies two sisters, her mother, and one of the husbands were there.

In the private chambers of the heart and laptop… I wonder if I’ve done all I could with my life. I thought that by this age I would be more… finished, refined I suppose. I am ready to give it another almighty go against some of my old inner daemons. Another run up the hill. The effectual struggle spoken of my King Limhi.

I’ve been having strange pains in my chest. Nagging and intermittent.

I’ve been watching every episode of Frasier in order. I’m partway through season two.

We’ve been playing Magic down at the studio. It’s an enormous waste of time. But we’re having a good time.

Posted on January 11th, 2009 at 7:31pm by Shawn

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About Politics

As most of you know, I’ve had quite an exuberant political awakening this last year. It’s been wonderful, but it’s time to digest it all. I think that my assertions are getting pretty scattershot. I need to refine and refocus.

It has been my intention to let you observe or come along for the ride.

Another development is that I’ve found my peace to some extent with this article.

Now the question is: what should I do? Or better yet, what can I do.

I am always happy to get feedback on my musings, and I almost invariably post them. I am surprised that anyone reads this blog. I think it’s really neat.

Posted on January 11th, 2009 at 7:24pm by Shawn

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Bait and Switch

As usual, the Federal Government (and their True Masters) have bungled the entire operation beyond belief and then pretends to ride to the rescue.
Prediction for 2009. You’re going to hear a lot about two things:

A) How urgent and quick action on the part of the Feds has saved us all from a grim situation (but actually just revved up the printing press and signed papers forcing the actual producers to pay real wealth to do it).

B) How the common man needs to band together and take care of himself and fellow man.
Hey, here’s an idea, how about you LEAVE US THE HELL ALONE. How about just a lot of B and none of A.
Don’t get me wrong. I think some taxation is all right. I do think that the Federal Government is approximately eight times larger than it should be. States should have more power. I have no problem with taxation at the state level. As a small businessman, I have had a good experience with State, County, and City level. The closer things get to the individual, the better-managed things tend to be. Just my experience.
Here at Blue Table Painting we paint three armies a month, send them to Washington and get almost nothing in return. We have been told that the money is being held in trust for future return and security. I do not believe it. I think it is tantamount to robbery.
How about you congressmen and senators start obeying the Highest Law of the land for a change. No one gave you permission to print trillions of dollars for whatever you please. I’m not buying it.
Of course, it’s easy to believe in the goodness of the common man and the strength and ability of local community when I live in Utah Valley. I live and breathe the actual reality of the goodness of my fellowman. In my ward, we take care of each other.
There is at least one bit of good news: Congressman Jason Chaffetz arrived at the capitol. One down, two hundred to go.
Drain the swamp! Vote Independent!
Don’t get me wrong. I am very optimistic. Not so optimistic that I think that we’ll get a demi-god like Ron Paul in 2012. The electorate is not nearly informed enough (yet) for something so fantastic beyond belief.
Second prediction: Obama is going to do a good job. I don’t agree with everything, but I think he will do respectably. (I mean, after Ron Paul, nothing looks quite as good) I do respect Obama as a man. He will be a relatively moderate president, more than people are expecting right now.

Posted on January 8th, 2009 at 5:59pm by Shawn

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